I really enjoy all the descriptions in The Odyssey.
Everything is really easy to imagine, and I still really like the format of all
the different stories.
Everything seems really dismal for all the heroes in general.
Their lots in life seems to be incredibly difficult, dangerous, and emotionally
damaging. In The Kingdom of the Dead, every hero—most whose names have been
mentioned in relation to how awesome of hero they were—had a tragic end. They
spent so much of their lives in this drastic situation, a tightrope of life and
death, and they all ended up in the exact same place, without ever having the
chance to live their life. Their lives were determined, more or less, the
moment they had a god or goddess for a parent. But they all still were more or
less destined for the same fate, the same end. Heroes do not seem to survive
very long, and the gods and goddesses do not really let them. It really seems like
the only way a demigod would be able to survive for very long is if they managed
to avoid having any of the gods or goddesses know they exist: no great or powerful
deeds, no quests, nothing. If they lived their life quietly, then they would
have a significantly less blatant chance of angering someone who could kill
them—and has absolutely no problem whatsoever killing people. The gods are way
too emotional.
I still really do not understand why everyone wants to kill
Odysseus. It honestly does not seem like he is worth the effort to try to kill
him. Obviously no one has succeeded thus far, and since apparently none of the
gods and goddesses can actually work together well enough to off him, and no
one can quite work together well enough to save him entirely, everyone should
just give up their dreams of revenge or heroics and let the guy live his life
(more or less) in peace. If he really is so important, he would be better off
left to his own device actually able to make a difference than dragged all over
the place in attempts to kill him.
I am also seriously impressed with how easily women seem to
swoon over him. Odysseus really does not seem that great. He is not dead yet,
great. There are easily hundreds of thousands of men who are also not dead yet.
Get over yourself.
Why do you think, out of all the possible people to talk to
Odysseus, why was it Achilles who went through the list of the dead?
Do you think Odysseus would have made it this far without
the help of any gods or goddesses, or anyone else? Do you think he was strong
or smart enough to figure everything out on his own?
Why do you think, out of all these people and heroes, why is Odysseus so important?